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Aniket Hingnekar

Looking at the Future

This past week I met with an ISM senior of mine, Ms. Shaina Patel, to talk about applying to medical school and how to use ISM program to better my prospects in future. Throughout our enlightening chat I learned about the course of ISM and it's possible far reaching effects into my future. One main topic that came up during the meeting was about how to approach a medical professionals through email, rather than cold class, as well as to not be scared to send follow-up emails to these professionals as due to their very busy schedule they can often forget to respond. During this discussion, she gave the contact of her former mentor in ISM as a potential professional to interview and also encouraged me to look at research labs as potential path to gain experience within the medical field. Prior to this, I was unaware of the research labs in the DFW area as a potential research source. This meeting not only allowed me to learn more about ISM, but also about Ms. Patel, herself, who is planning to apply to medical school next year and is currently on a gap year working as a clinical allergist. Due to this, I was able to learn the benefits of taking a gap year job in order to gain experience in the medical field before applying to medical school as well as the benefits of ISM on a college application. Next week I will begin research into my original work and come up with a proper proposal for ISM. And, of course if I have any questions regarding ISM and the future I will contact Ms. Patel once again.

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